
Hello Kindergarten Families!
Exciting News!!!
On Thursday, May 14 from 11:00-11:30 am Coalbanks Elementary School will be hosting a Carnival Parade! You should have gotten an email from Mr. Gentile that outlined the parade path and flow of traffic for the event as well as social distancing measures to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Many of you likely remember the Carnival that we hold in the gym each year where each class gets to represent one Latin American country! This year, we are taking the Carnival to the street! As we found out earlier this year, our country is the Brazil. In order to get ready for Carnival, we need to learn a little bit more about the Brazil! Below you will find some links to videos and books that you can watch and read to learn more.
What is carnival? Here is a video about Carnival in Brazil!
If you are using we have put some books about Brazil into your mailbox that you can check out!
Find a Brazil flag here that you can color and you’re welcome to bring to our parade.
For the parade, you could dress in the flags colours of green, yellow or dark blue. You could make a mask, bring a flag, make a musical instrument to shake, even decorate your car! Carnival is a noisy, colourful celebration! Be creative, have fun and I can’t wait to celebrate Carnival with you!
Here is a printable template to make a colourful mask for Carnival! Carnival Mask
Here are some ideas of how you can dress and some fun music to get you moving!
Another fun activity you could do is have a family movie night and watch the movie Rio. It’s a fun animated film that showcases some of the animals that live in Brazil and is set in Rio de Janeiro during Carnival.
Mrs. Chinn & Ms. Gordon