Last Day of Kindergarten Story and Song
Posted on Jun. 18, 2020Before you watch the video... during the reading, I refer to the Kindergarten Drive By to say farewell and pick up year end certificates. In the video, I say it is tomorrow.…
Before you watch the video... during the reading, I refer to the Kindergarten Drive By to say farewell and pick up year end certificates. In the video, I say it is tomorrow.…
Please check out the following link to find out about our Kindergarten Curbside Farewell. Kindergarten Curbside Farewell Since we can't have our traditional Sports Day, the…
Hello Kindergarten Families, We are reaching the end of our school year. Nothing that has happened, in the past few months has been regular, and our year end follows that…
Below you will find a link to a wonderful podcast with short little episodes that are designed for young children. Each episode teaches a new set of Spanish vocabulary…
Part 1: In keeping with our lesson from yesterday, let's learn about 'sinking and floating' in Español! ¡Vamos! it sinks - se hunde (say oonday) *remember the 'h'…
*parents, don't worry if your child does not know all the words in this song. They should be familiar with the verbs: conmigo - with me. *Children, try to remember…
Hola amigos! I hope your week is going well and that you are finding time to practice your Sonidos Inciales (Spanish Sounds). Today we are going to learn two new songs.…
Hola mis amigos. Here is the last set of Spanish sounds for you to practice. Keep all of these booklets handy and practice the weekly. This will keep you on the right…
Thank you so much for coming everyone. It was great to see you and we hope you have a wonderful long weekend.
La Semilla (The Seed) La Semilla is a song about planting seeds. Semilla = seed. In this song you will hear vocabulary that we have already learned and some new vocabulary.…
If you want to say 'butterfly' in Spanish, you say 'mariposa'. Here is a little Hand Jive that will help you practice this word.
I know this is the second post with this title. I mis-titled the first one. It should have been titled N F B J. In any case here is the next set of sounds. Only one…
Hola niños. Check out this video to learn about a cool new project that we will be doing over the next few weeks. Miss Moline (our Kindergarten teacher from Dr. Probe…
Today's lesson is making a Mother's Day card. Please refer to the lesson on the Red Kindergarten page for the instructions on how to make this card. Mother's Day Card Instructional…
Parents: For todays sound practice, give your child the sound booklet that has the letters G G CH Ñ V LL. I sent all of the booklets to you by email last week. If…
Here are three more familiar Spanish songs. Have children use them to keep up their Spanish Vocabulary. Vocab: Body parts are identified in the video Other vocab: muevo…
Here are three for now. I will post three more favourites on Tuesday.
Hola mis amiguitos. Today we are going to add a 'Spring' page into our journals. Spring, in Spanish, is La Primavera. Before we begin our lesson, let's practice our…
I have emailed downloadable copies of the booklets for each new group of sounds. For todays video, your child will need the booklet with these sounds: T,D,R,RR,C,C Note:…
This lesson is a follow up to 'The Needs of Plants' lesson from yesterday. Today, we are going to go over the same basics while learning the vocabulary in Spanish. For…
Hola mis amigos. In today's video, we are going to learn a song called Los Pollitos Dicen. It is a Spanish Nursery Rhyme that is as common in Latin American countries…
Miss. Costello is excited to invite you to some upcoming 'optional' music activities. Watch the following video to hear all about it.
Here is a video of the author, Terry Golson, on her farm. All of the chickens in this story live on her farm as well as a bossy rabbit. She talks about what her chickens…
¿De Qué Color Es? - Sing along to the following video. This was a favourite song in our class. I hope you can remember all of the Spanish names for the animals. Hora…
Hora de cuento - (Story Time) I hope you enjoyed the story. I though it would be fun for us to make our own alphabet book. If you would like to learn how, watch the…
Click on the video below to hear today's message. Click on the next video to hear today's story.