433 15 Street South
Lethbridge , AB T1J 2Z4
Hola amigos! I hope your week is going well and that you are finding time to practice your Sonidos Inciales (Spanish Sounds).
Today we are going to learn two new songs. They are both about... you guessed it, BUTTERFLIES.
The first one is song/game combination. Here is the language you need for this song.
Las flores - the flowers
Mariposa - butterfly
Alas- wings
Vuela- it flies (fly - volar)
los colores (I think you know these) rosa, rojo, negro, blanco, azul, amarillo, anaranjado, verde
Ok, now let's sing the whole thing!
The next song we are going to sing is another traditional Nursery Rhyme (just like Los Pollitos Dicen was a traditional Nursery Rhyme).
It is called Mariposita.
Here is another version of this song. It has music, animation and the words printed at the bottom in case you need your parents to help you. Have with it.
433 15 Street South
Lethbridge , AB T1J 2Z4