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Lesson - Butterflies


As we already learned, butterflies do not always look like this. They go through many changes. This is called METAMORPH0SIS.

Metamorphosis is when a creature changes the way it looks from its beginning to when it becomes an adult.

A butterfly's wings are covered with tiny scales.

Here are the parts of a butterfly.

Butterflies belong to a group of animals called INSECTS. All insects have similar body parts.

Let’s sing a song about the parts of an insect.

There are many different kinds of butterflies.

What colours do you see?

Miss Moline has shown us a video of caterpillars that she is feeding and growing. These caterpillars will turn into Painted Lady butterflies.

Butterflies drink nectar from flowers through their PROBOSCIS (prow baa suhs), which works like straw. Watch this video of a Painted Lady butterfly eating.  See if you can see the proboscis.

Now it is time to get your JOURNAL, or a piece of white paper and draw a butterfly.

Ask an adult to help you read this step by step book to help you draw your butterfly.

Let's Draw a Butterfly Book.  

(right click to open the link)

Try to name the parts of your butterfly.


ONE Head

ONE Thorax (the wings and legs grow from the thorax)

ONE Abdomen

TWO Antennae

SIX legs

MANY eyes (butterflies have special eyes called compound eyes).

If you want, you could add a lovely flower to you picture.

I hope you had fun learning about BUTTERFLIES.




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