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Lesson - Plant Life Cycle

  • Students, talk with your family about what you read in the story. Have you ever planted a seed? Did it grow? If you were a seed, what kind of plant would you like to grow into?
  • What was your favorite part of the story? Which part did you not like? Why?
  • Ask a family member a question or two about the story. Remember that questions start with “WH.” (Who, what, where, when ,why)

Parents: Encourage your child to answer in complete sentences rather than just “yes” or “no.” It also helps to develop their language and communication skills if you help them practice “Serve and Return” conversation, which means that you take at least 3 turns each on a shared topic such as the story.

Vocabulary: The chart at the top of this post has some great “sparkle words.” Ask your family to read the chart to you. They can point to each word as they read so you know where they are.

  • Point to the word the
  • Point to a period (.)
  • find the letters s   o   e   c   a



Remember you can find a printable version of this lesson on the calendar.

Physical Activity:

Science Experiment: Grow a Bean Seed/ Time Lapse seed video

You can try it at home for real if you have paper towel, a jar, and a bean seed. Keep track of how many days it takes for your seed to:

  • Crack its’ seed coat open
  • Grow roots
  • Grow a stem
  • Open its’ leaves

Math Extension: Measurement and Comparison

If you have plants growing in your home, ask your family if you can measure them. Use a measuring tape if you have one, a small ruler, or even Lego blocks! (If you don’t have plants in a pot, remember that many of the vegetables in our fridge are plants that we can eat - like celery!)

You could discover:

  • How many Lego blocks tall is your house plant?
  • Which house plant is the smallest? The tallest? The widest?
  • Is your plant taller than your pencil? Is it smaller than the shortest member of your family?
  • Does your plant have more leaves or more flowers?
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